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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why Your Google Authorship Photo Suddenly Stopped Displaying In Search Results

Why Your Google Authorship Photo Suddenly Stopped Displaying In Search Results

If you have Google authorship setup on your site or blog and working properly, you may have noticed in recent weeks that your photo is no longer being displayed in relevant Google search results. Even if you haven't come across this issue, do a quick Google search for a topic that you know will return your site in the search results. If you don't see your Google+ photo displayed and you know for a fact that it once did, this may shed some light on what's going on.

When I first came across this issue, I was noticing while my profile photo was absent, my name was sill being displayed as the author on the search results page. I went over to Google's Structured Data Testing Tool and plugged in my site's URL. Strangely enough, Google displayed a message saying that 'Authorship is working for this webpage' and it even showed me a preview of what a piece a content of mine will look like in a Google search. Even more strange is that this preview was displaying my Google+ profile photo. I went through all the other steps to make sure authorship was properly setup on my site; verifying that all my content linking to my Google+ profile had rel=author" and that my contributor section on my profile had reciprocal links back to the sites with all my authorship content. After verifying all that, I was still baffled as to why it wasn't working. Then on one snowy day being stuck inside from a blizzard, I found this thread:!topic/webmasters/gTt2Bj6zQdo

After reading through practically every thread, I was finding that this was a common issue but wasn't finding a succinct reason as to why this was occurring. Until I came across two responses from two different posters: Grace Massa Langlois and David Deering.

Thanks to these helpful souls, I learned that Google was doing some experimenting behind the scenes lately with rich snippets, including authorship snippets which has resulted in sometimes your profile image and your author name not being displayed. And sometimes it's just your author name, and sometimes neither. I realized my authorship was working just fine, hence why it was displaying my author name in search results and not my photo.

Check these links below for a more in depth explanation. 



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