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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tut of The Month: Take Your Photo With With Your Browser— Accessing And Controlling The Camera With HTML5

Tut of The Month: Accessing And Controling The Camera With HTML5

Our Pick for Oct. 2012 —
For a long time one of the most astonishing features that made flash as the premiere technology for integrating multimedia into the web was it's ability to access and control a user's camera on their computer. Fast forward to the advent of HTML5 and this is no longer the case as camera control can happen right within your browser without any plugins.This month's Tut of the Month is an awesome tutorial by David Walsh which succinctly breaks down how to achieve this with rather surprisingly simple code.

This is one of the most fun pieces of code to play with. Great job by David sharing this it. You can check out the live demo here, just make sure you view in Chrome Canary or Opera Next.

Check out the article!



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Queens Web Design and Graphics is a web and graphic design company in Queens, NY specializing in providing local businesses with affordable websites offering design, animation and multimedia services. Learn More...