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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Adobe CS6 Is Only The Beginning Of A Giant Laundry List Of Apps And Tools To Get Up To Date With

Adobe CS6 Is Only The Beginning Of A Giant Laundry List Of Apps And Tools To Get Up To Date With

With the recent release of Adobe CS6 along with their new website Adobe & HTML, the software giant has definitely affirmed it's focus towards web standards and tools for creating content for mobile platforms. The good peeps at Adobe are introducing a slew of new products and exciting software packages that might have some developers frosting at the mouth but if you ask me it's just one big laundry list of things to get up to date with.

I almost feel like Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny when he went on his tirade yelling "Is there anymore sh*t we can pile on..." I haven't even upgraded yet to CS6 but I already start to get a headache when I think of all the new applications is trying to push. Don't get me wrong, Adobe has a few very cool and exciting things on the horizon, most noticeably for me is Edge Animate. I have been experimenting with Edge for the past few months and I am extremely pumped for its full release to the say the least. (Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts and tutorials on Edge Animate). Besides Edge there's whole slew of new Adobe apps to stay on top of. For the latest check out the Adobe and HTML website.



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