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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tut of the Month: A New Feature Showcasing The Best Creative Tutorials On The Web

Tut of the Month:
A New Feature Showcasing The Best Creative Tutorials On The Web

Tutorial websites has become an invaluable resource for creative professionals, especially for web designers and developers (duh!). Whether it's to learn a new trick, study an entirely new topic or download freebies — the amount of tutorials out there is immense. If you're like us and you're always looking to hone your skills and learn something new, sifting through all the different articles, tutorials and quick tips that peak your interest can be overwhelming. That's why we have created Tut of the Month — a monthly feature highlighting our pick for the best tutorial we've come across on the web.

Tut of the Month will cover all creative topics including design, web development, animation, audio, video and writing. Keep in mind that we are Queens Web Design after all, so majority of our picks will probably be design and web development related — but it's not limited to just this if we come across a really great tutorial on something else. Our selections will be based on:

  • Originality of the tutorial:
    Is there not many tutorials out there covering this subject matter?
  • Usefulness of the tutorial:
    Is the subject matter a desired topic to learn about? Is it relevant skill or technique that can be used in professional work?
  • Thoroughness of the tutorial:
    Was the subject matter thoroughly explained?
  • Readability:
    Was the tutorial easy to read and understand?

Tut of the Month will be published at the end of each month and will be for tutorials published on the web within the last 30 days.



What We Do...

Queens Web Design and Graphics is a web and graphic design company in Queens, NY specializing in providing local businesses with affordable websites offering design, animation and multimedia services. Learn More...